- Faster boot than the older version.
- The default Network Manager is "Gnome-Network Manager".
- All the issues regarding WiFi connectivities are fixed.
- Tight VNC server preinstalled.
- Root user added.
- Includes Exclusive Pack of Hackberry A10 wallpapers.
G-Drive links: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bxr1St4kFOnQU2d2UFowV2Y4TTQ&usp=sharing
Mediafire Links: http://www.mediafire.com/?kqg94gdznyqed
The default user id: armhf , password: armhf123
root user id: root, password: armhf
Tightvnc password: armhf123
Screen shots:
1. Main Screen :
2. TightVNC :