How To Install a Linux-OS into HackberryA10:
1. A Host PC running Windows or Linux.
2. A SD-Card 4GB or more.
3. A Linux-distro img file which you want to install to your Hackberry.( ArmHF-Debian for Hackberry) ( Or visit the "Wiki" or " Forum" links of Hackberry A10 homepage to get the Linus-OS)
Mainly 2 Methods:
1. A Host PC running Windows or Linux.
2. A SD-Card 4GB or more.
3. A Linux-distro img file which you want to install to your Hackberry.( ArmHF-Debian for Hackberry) ( Or visit the "Wiki" or " Forum" links of Hackberry A10 homepage to get the Linus-OS)
Mainly 2 Methods:
- If you having a Windows Host PC then download the Win32-Disk Imager soft :
- Open the downloaded Win32-disk Imager (Snap):
- Choose the Image file and Device(i.e the Drive which you have connected your SD-CARD).
- Click on "Write" Option. Thats it, after the writing of the image to SD-Card is successful, you can insert it to the Hackberry and boot up the Linux .
- If you are having a Linux Host Pc and if you are having a pre-built image for the Hackberry then,
- Unzip the downloaded Image File.
- Run the Command in Terminal as :dd if=yourimagefile.img of=/dev/<device> , press enter . (to know your SD-Card's 'dev' just run the System monitor and in the File System you will find the vfat filesystem as "dev/sdc" or "dev/sdb", just replace the "<device>" with "sdc" or "sdb" depending on your system ) {Warning : Choosing the wrong dev/device could erase your HDD}.
- After the "dd" finishes type the command " sudo sync" , press enter. Thats it, the Linux OS is installed onto the SD-Card , you can insert it and boot the Hackberry.
- If you are having Linux Host but if you don't have a pre-built Hackberry Image then :
- Download the u-boot files (sunxi-spl.bin and u-boot.bin):
- Download the Script Files (evb.bin and script.bin):
- Unzip the downloaded Image File.(OS -file)
- Run the Command in Terminal as :dd if=yourimagefile.img of=/dev/<device> , press enter . (to know your SD-Card's 'dev' just run the System monitor and in the File System you will find the vfat filesystem as "dev/sdc" or "dev/sdb", just replace the "<device>" with "sdc" or "sdb" depending on your system ) {Warning : Choosing the wrong dev/device could erase your HDD}.
- After the "dd" finishes type the command " sudo sync" , press enter.
- Next type the command :" sudo dd if=sunxi-spl.bin of=/dev/sdc bs=1024 seek=8 ", press enter.
- Type : " sudo dd if=u-boot.bin of=/dev/sdc bs=1024 seek=32" , press enter, and Type "sudo sync " , press enter.
- Remove the SD-Card and Re-insert it again , you will have two partitions one is Fat and other one is ext4 partition, this ensures that the image has been written to the SD-Card successfully. Next type the command in terminal as : " cp evb.bin /media/<drive label>/evb.bin " , press enter and type " cp script.bin /media/<drive label>/ ", press enter.
- Thats it finally remove the SD-Card and insert it to the Hackberry and boot the Linux.
I could make the image working, but the network (cabled and wireless) is not working.